
The Alzheimer's Library
Alzheimer\'s and Dysphagia


The facts about dysphagia & swallowing studies

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Over the years, certain practices have become common in nursing home care nationwide. Consultants, management, and surveyors offer multiple opinions and conflicting advice that may confuse staff and p READ MORE

Risk factors of aspiration pneumonia in Alzheimer's disease patients

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BACKGROUND: Pneumonia is the reported cause of death of a high proportion of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Objectives: This study assessed swallowing function to explore the potential risk factor READ MORE

The Benefits of the Dysphagia Clinical Nurse Specialist Role

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Dysphagia is a major health problem associated with multiple neurological diseases such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease, among others. Staff nurses lack a consistent approach to READ MORE

Nutritional and dysphagia services for individuals with Alzheimer's disease

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As the number of elderly is increasing, the number of people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) residing in long-term care facilities is increasing. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that speech-lang READ MORE

Managing dysphagia in residents with dementia: skilled intervention for a common...

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Research and statistics clearly indicate that dehydration and malnutrition are prevalent and serious concerns with skilled nursing facility (SNF) residents. Studies indicate that 54% of all newly admi READ MORE
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