Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The mission of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is to assist low income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs.

NOTE: To inquire about LIHEAP assistance, the general public should use the public inquiry telephone number if available for their State. That number may provide the public with information about the State's program much quicker than the LIHEAP agency number. Further information about a State's LIHEAP program can be obtained from State LIHEAP web sites where available.


Ms. Carlene Taylor
Energy & Refugee Services
Department of Social Services
25 Sigourney Street, 10th Floor
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
TEL: (860) 424-5889
FAX: (860) 424-4952
E-MAIL: carlene.taylor@ct.gov
WEB SITE: www.ct.gov/dss/cwp/view.asp?a=2353&q=305194
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-842-1132

Ms. Jo-Ann Choate
LIHEAP Coordinator
Energy and Housing Services
Maine State Housing Authority
353 Water Street
Augusta, Maine 04330
TEL: (207) 624-5708
FAX: (207) 624-5780
E-MAIL: jchoate@mainehousing.org
WEB SITE: www.bundlemeup.org/grants.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-452-4668

Mr. Gerald Bell
Community Services Programs
Division of Community Services
Department of Housing and Community Development
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300
Boston, Massachusetts 02114-2524
TEL: (617) 573-1438
FAX: (617) 573-1460
E-MAIL: gerald.bell@state.ma.us
WEB SITE: www.mass.gov/dhcd/components/cs/Fuel/default.htm
WINTER HEATING HELPLINE WEB SITE: www.mass.gov/?pageID=ocaconstituent&L=2&L0=Home&L1=Consumer&sid=Eoca
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-632-8175

Ms. Celeste Lovett
Fuel Assistance Program Manager
Governor's Office of Energy
and Community Services
57 Regional Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03301-8519
TEL: (603) 271-2155
FAX: (603) 271-2615
WEB SITE: http://www.nh.gov/oep/programs/fuelassistance/index.htm

Mr. Matteo Guglielmetti
Project Manager
Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources
One Capitol Hill
Providence, Rhode Island 02908-5850
TEL: (401) 574-9112
FAX: (401) 574-9125
E-MAIL: matteog@energy.ri.gov
WEB SITE: www.energy.ri.gov
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: (401) 574-9100

Mr. Richard Moffi
LIHEAP Coordinator
Office of Home Heating Fuel Assistance
Department for Children and Families
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, Vermont 05676
TEL: (802) 241-1097
FAX: (802) 241-4327
E-MAIL: richard.moffi@ahs.state.vt.us
WEB SITE: www.dsw.state.vt.us/Programs_Pages/Fuel/fuel.shtml
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-479-6151 or 1-802-241-1165


Mr. Jose Sanchez
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Community Resources
Office of Low-Income Energy Conservation
101 South Broad Street
P.O. Box 811
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-08111
TEL: (609) 984-6670
FAX: (609) 292-9798
E-MAIL: JSanchez@DCA.state.nj.us
WEB SITE: www.nj.gov/dca/dcr/hea/index.shtml
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-510-3102

Ms. Phyllis Morris
LIHEAP Coordinator
Division of Employment and Transitional Supports
New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
40 North Pearl Street
Albany, New York 12243-0001
TEL: (518) 473-0332
FAX: (518) 474-9347
E-MAIL: NYSHEAP@dfa.state.ny.us
WEB SITE: www.otda.state.ny.us/main/heap
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-342-3009


Ms. Leslie Lee
Management Analyst
Department of Health and Social Services
Division of State Service Centers
1901 N. Dupont Hwy.
New Castle, Delaware 19720
TEL: (302) 255-9681
FAX: (302) 255-4463
E-MAIL: leslie.lee@state.de.us
1-800-464-HELP (4357)
KENT COUNTY: 674-1782
WEB SITE: www.dhss.delaware.gov/dssc/liheap.html
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-464-HELP (4357)

Mr. Keith Anderson
LIHEAP Director
District of Columbia Energy Office
Reeves Center, Suite 300
2000 14th St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
TEL: (202) 478-1417
FAX: (202) 673-6725
E-MAIL: keith.anderson@dc.gov
WEB SITE: http://dceo.dc.gov/dceo/cwp/view,a,3,q,601877.asp
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 202-673-6750 or 6700

Mr. Ralph Markus
Office of Home Energy Programs
Department of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
TEL: (410) 767-7415
FAX: (410) 333-0079
E-MAIL: rmarkus@dhr.state.md.us
WEB SITE: www.dhr.state.md.us/meap
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-352-1446

Ms. Donna Roe
Division of Federal Programs
Department of Public Welfare
P.O. Box 2675
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105
TEL: (717) 772-7906
FAX: (717) 772-6451
E-MAIL: LIHEAPMAIL@state.pa.us
WEB SITE: www.dpw.state.pa.us/ServicesPrograms/LIHEAP
ONLINE APPLICATION: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Access to Social Services (COMPASS)
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-866-857-7095

Ms. Andrea Gregg
Program Manager
Energy & Emergency Assistance Unit
Division of Benefit Programs
Virginia Department of Social Services
7 N. 8th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
TEL: (804) 726-7368
FAX: (804) 726-7358
E-MAIL: andrea.gregg@dss.virginia.gov
WEB SITE: www.dss.virginia.gov/benefit/ea/index.html
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-230-6977

Ms. Danita Jones
LIHEAP Director
Division of Family Assistance
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
350 Capitol Street, Rm B-18
Charleston, West Virginia 25301-3704
TEL: (304) 558-8290
FAX: (304) 558-2059
E-Mail: danita.d.jones@wv.gov
WEB SITE: www.wvdhhr.org/bcf/family_assistance/utility.asp
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-642-8589


Mr. Gareth D. Whitehead
Energy Section Supervisor
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
Community Services Division
P.0. Box 5690
Montgomery, Alabama 36103-5690
TEL: (334) 242-5365
FAX: (334) 353-4311
E-MAIL: willie.whitehead@adeca.alabama.gov

Ms. Hilda Frazier
Community & Social Services Operations Manager
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of Housing and Community Development
Community Assistance Section
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
TEL: (850) 922-1834
FAX: (850) 488-2488
E-MAIL: hilda.frazier@dca.state.fl.us
WEB SITE: www.floridacommunitydevelopment.org/liheap/index.cfm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 850-488-7541

Mr. Jeff Blankenship
LIHEAP Coordinator
Division of Family and Children Services
Georgia Dept. of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 21-265
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3180
TEL: (404) 463-8047
FAX: (404) 463-8046
E-MAIL: jlblanke@dhr.state.ga.us
WEB SITE: http://www.heatga.org/assistance/assistance.asp
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-869-1150

Ms. Karla Thompson
Policy Analyst
Department for Community Based Services
Division of Family Support
Human Resources Building
275 East Main Street, 3E-I
Frankfort, Kentucky 40621
TEL: (502) 564-3440 or 564-7514
FAX: (502) 564-9810
E-MAIL: karla.thompson@ky.gov
WEB SITE: http://chfs.ky.gov/dcbs/dfs/liheap.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-456-3452

Ms. Tina Ruffin
Branch Director
Division of Community Services
Mississippi Dept. of Human Services
750 N. State Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39202-4772
TEL: (601) 359-4766
FAX: (601) 359-4370
E-MAIL: truffin@mdhs.state.ms.us
WEB SITE: www.mdhs.state.ms.us/cs_info.html
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-421-0762

Ms. Erica Jennings
Program Consultant II
Food & Nutrition Svcs. & Energy Programs
Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Social Services
325 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-5905
TEL: (919) 733-7831, Ext. 275
FAX: (919) 733-5457
E-MAIL: erica.jennings@ncmail.net
WEB SITE: www.dhhs.state.nc.us/dss/

Ms. Ashlie Lancaster
Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity
Suite 358
1205 Pendleton Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
TEL: (803) 734-0662
FAX: (803) 734-0356
E-MAIL: alancaster@oepp.sc.gov
WEB SITE: www.oepp.sc.gov/oeo/programs.htm

Ms. Regina Surber
Director, Community Programs
Department of Human Services
Citizens Plaza Building
400 Deaderick Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37248-9500
TEL: (615) 313-4762
FAX: (615) 532-9956
E-MAIL: regina.surber@state.tn.us
WEB SITE: http://state.tn.us/humanserv/adfam/afs_hea.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: (615) 313-4766


Mr. Alie Kabba
LIHEAP Manager
Office of Energy Assistance
Department of Health Care and Family Services
401 S. Clinton, 4th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60607
TEL: (312) 792-4724 (Chicago)
(217) 785-2533 (Springfield)
FAX: (312) 793-2798
E-MAIL: alie.kabba@illinois.gov
WEB SITE: www.liheapillinois.com
WEATHERIZATION WEB SITE: www.illinoisweatherization.com
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-877-411-WARM (9276)

Mr. Tom Scott
Community Development Administrator
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority
30 South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
TEL: (317) 232-7015
FAX: (317) 232-7778
E-MAIL: ScottTJ@ihcda.IN.gov
WEB SITE: www.ihcda.in.gov/nonprofits_programs.aspx
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-622-4973

Mr. Donald Mussen
Director, Income Support Programs
Michigan Family Independence Agency
235 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 1306
Lansing, Michigan 48909
TEL: (517) 335-4323
FAX: (517) 335-7771
E-MAIL: mussend@michigan.gov
WEB SITE: www.michigan.gov/dhs
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-292-5650

Mr. John Harvanko
Director, Energy Assistance Programs
Energy Division
Minnesota Department of Commerce
85 7th Place East, Suite 500
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2198
TEL: (651) 284-3275
FAX: (651) 297-7891
E-MAIL: john.harvanko@state.mn.us
WEB SITE: www.state.mn.us/portal/mn/jsp/content.do?id=-536881374&agency=Commerce
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-657-3805

Mr. Nick Sunday
Ohio Department of Development
P.O. Box 1001
77 South High, 25th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43216
TEL: (614) 644-6846
FAX: (614) 728-6832
E-MAIL: nick.sunday@development.ohio.gov
WEB SITE: www.odod.state.oh.us/cdd/ocs/heap.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-282-0880 (TDD: 1-800-686-1557)

Ms. Susan Brown
Deputy Administrator
Wisconsin Department of Administration
Division of Energy Services
P.O. Box 7868
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7868
TEL: (608) 267-3680
FAX: (608) 267-6931
E-MAIL: heat@wisconsin.gov
WEB SITE: www.homeenergyplus.wi.gov
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-866-432-8947


Ms. Cathy Rowe
Manager, Home Energy Assistance Program
Office of Community Services
Department of Human Services
P.O. Box 1437/Slot 1330
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-1437
TEL: (501) 682-8726
FAX: (501) 682-6736
E-MAIL: cathy.rowe@arkansas.gov
WEB SITE: www.arkansas.gov/dhs/dco/ocs/
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 800-482-8988

Ms. Darleen Okammor
Program Manager
Louisiana Housing Finance Agency
Energy Assistance Department
2415 Quail Drive
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808
TEL: (225) 763-8700, Ext. 236
FAX: (225) 763-8752
E-MAIL: dokammor@lhfa.state.la.us
WEB SITE: www.lhfa.state.la.us/programs/energy_assistance/low_income_energy.php
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-888-454-2001

Ms. Loretta Williams
LIHEAP Program Manager
Human Services Department
Income Support Division
Work & Family Support Bureau
P. O. Box 26507
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125-6507
TEL: (505) 841-2693
FAX: (505) 841-2691
E-MAIL: loretta.williams@state.nm.us
WEB SITE: www.hsd.state.nm.us/isd/liheap.html
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 800 648-7167

Ms. Cari Crittenden
Program Field Representative
Oklahoma Department of Human Services
P.O. Box 25352
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125
TEL: (405) 521-4089
FAX: (405) 521-4158
E-MAIL: cari.crittenden@okdhs.org
WEB SITE: www.okdhs.org/programsandservices/liheap
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-866-411-1877

Mr. Michael DeYoung
Program Manager
Energy Assistance Section
Texas Department of Housing
and Community Affairs
P.O. Box 13941
Austin, Texas 78711-3941
TEL: (512) 475-2125
FAX: (512) 475-3935
E-MAIL: michael.deyoung@tdhca.state.tx.us
WEB SITE: www.tdhca.state.tx.us/ea/index.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-877-399-8939
LITE-UP TEXAS: 1-866-454-8387


Mr. Jerry McKim
Chief, Bureau of Energy Assistance
Division of Community Action Agencies
Department of Human Rights
Lucas State Office Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
TEL: (515) 281-0859
FAX: (515) 242-6119
E-MAIL: jerry.mckim@iowa.gov
WEB SITE: www.dcaa.iowa.gov/bureau_EA/index.html
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 515-281-4204

Mr. Lewis A. Kimsey
Energy Assistance Director (LIEAP)
Social & Rehabilitation Services
915 SW Harrison, Suite 580
Topeka, Kansas 66612
PHONE: (785) 296-0147
FAX: (785) 296-6960
E-MAIL: lewis.kimsey@srs.ks.gov
WEB SITE: http://www.srskansas.org/ISD/ees/lieap.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-432-0043

Ms. Jeanna Machon
Assistant Deputy Director
Family Support Division
Department of Social Services
P.O. Box 2320
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
TEL: (573) 526-4836
FAX: (573) 526-5592
E-MAIL: Jeanna.L.Machon@dss.mo.gov
WEB SITE: www.dss.mo.gov/fsd/liheap.htm

Mr. Mike Kelly
Program and Planning Specialist
Program Assistance Unit
Department of Health and Human Services
301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 95026
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
TEL: (402) 471-9262
FAX (402) 471-9597
E-MAIL: mike.kelly@dhhs.ne.gov
WEB SITE: www.hhs.state.ne.us/fia/energy.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-430-3244


Mr. Todd Jorgensen
LIHEAP Director
Colorado Department of Human Services
789 Sherman Street, Suite 440
Denver, Colorado 80203
TEL: (303) 861-0325
FAX: (303) 861-0275
E-MAIL: todd.jorgensen@state.co.us
WEB SITE: http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/leap
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-866-432-8435 or 303-861-0629

Mr. Jim Nolan
Intergovernmental Human Services Bureau
Department of Public Health
and Human Services
1400 Carter Drive
Helena, Montana 59620
TEL: (406) 447-4260
FAX: (406) 447-4287
E-MAIL: jnolan@mt.gov
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-332-2272

Mr. Ron Knutson
Assistant Director of Energy & Nutrition
Department of Human Services
State Capitol Building, Judicial Wing
600 E. Boulevard, Dept. 325
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0250
TEL: (701) 328-4882
FAX: (701) 328-1060
E-MAIL: soknur@state.nd.us
WEB SITE: www.nd.gov/dhs/services/financialhelp/energyassist.html
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-755-2716

Mr. David Gall
Program Administrator
Office of Energy Assistance
Department of Social Services
206 West Missouri Avenue
Pierre, South Dakota 57501-4517
TEL: (605) 773-4131
FAX: (605) 773-6657
E-MAIL: david.gall@state.sd.us
WEB SITE: http://dss.sd.gov/energyassistance/index.asp
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-233-8503

Mr. Sherman Roquiero
Program Manager
Department of Community & Economic Development
324 South State, Suite 500
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
TEL: (801) 538-8644
FAX: (801) 538-8615
E-MAIL: shermr@utah.gov
WEB SITE: www.dced.utah.gov/
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-877-488-3233

Ms. Jacqueline Petroski
LIHEAP Program Consultant
Department of Family Services
2300 Capitol Avenue
Hathaway Building, 3rd Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002-0490
TEL: (307) 777-6346
FAX: (307) 777-6276
E-MAIL: jpetro@state.wy.us
WEB SITE: dfsweb.state.wy.us/fieldop/briefing5a.htm
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-246-4221


Ms. Sandra Mendez
LIHEAP Coordinator
Community Services Administration
Arizona Department of Economic Security
1789 W. Jefferson, Site Code 086Z
P.O. Box 6123
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
TEL: (602) 542-6607
FAX: (602) 364-1756
E-MAIL: smendez@azdes.gov
WEB SITE: www.de.state.az.us/csa/programs/uap/default.asp
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-582-5706

Ms. Kathy Ely
Senior Manager
Department of Community Services and Development
700 North 10th Street, Room 258
Sacramento, California 95814
TEL: (916) 341-4341
FAX: (916) 327-3153
E-MAIL: KEly@csd.ca.gov
WEB SITE: www.csd.ca.gov
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-866-675-6623

Ms. Patricia Williams
LIHEAP State Coordinator
Benefit, Employment, and Support Services Division
Financial Assistance Office
820 Mililani Street, Suite 606
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
TEL: (808) 586-5734
FAX: (808) 586-5744
E-MAIL: pwilliams@dhs.hawaii.gov
WEB SITE: www.hawaii.gov/health/disability-services/neurotrauma/key-services-finance.html#liheap
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-808-586-5740

Mr. John Alexander
Social Services Program Specialist III
Energy Assistance Program
Division of Welfare & Supportive Services
1470 College Parkway
Carson City, Nevada 89706
TEL: (775) 684-0693
FAX: (775) 684-0617
E-MAIL: jxalexander@dwss.nv.gov
WEB SITE: http://dwss.nv.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=116&Itemid=279
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-992-0900 (EXT. 4420]


Ms. Susan Marshall
LIHEAP Program Coordinator
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Public Assistance
400 W. Willoughby Ave., Room 301
Juneau, Alaska 99801-1700
TEL: (907) 465-3099
FAX: (907) 465-3319
E-MAIL: susan.marshall@alaska.gov
WEB SITE: www.hss.state.ak.us/dpa/programs/hap
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-470-3058

Ms. Annie Dalgetty
Program Specialist
Statewide Self Reliance Programs
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
450 West State Street-2nd Floor
Boise, Idaho 83702
TEL: (208) 334-5686
FAX: (208) 334-5817
E-MAIL: dalgetta@dhw.idaho.gov
WEB SITE: http://www.healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/DesktopModules/Articles/ArticlesView.aspx?TabID=0&Alias=Rainbow&Lang=en-US&ItemID=1158&mid=10265
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 208-442-9991 or (208) 442-9987

Ms. Melissa Torgerson
LIHEAP Program Coordinator
Oregon Housing and Community Services
North Mall Office Building
725 Summer Street NE, Suite B
Salem, Oregon 97301-1266
TEL: (503) 986-2094
FAX: (503) 986-2006
E-MAIL: melissa.torgerson@hcs.state.or.us
WEB SITE: www.oregon.gov/OHCS/SOS_Low_Income_Energy_Assistance_Oregon.shtml
PUBLIC INQUIRIES: 1-800-453-5511

Mr. Cinque R. Finnie
LIHEAP Contract Manager
Department of Community, Trade
and Economic Development
906 Columbia Street, S.W.
P.O. Box 48350
Olympia, Washington 98504-8350
TEL: (360) 725-2855
FAX: (360) 586-0489
E-MAIL: cinquef@cted.wa.gov
WEB SITE: www.liheapwa.org

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