End-of-Life Choices: Feeding Tubes and VentilatorsFamilies caring for a chronically ill loved one may eventually face very difficult decisions regarding medical treatment for the person in their care. The progression of many conditions -- Alzheimer's
Hospice and Palliative Care at Home or in a Hospice FacilityFor many seriously ill patients, hospice and palliative care offers a more dignified and comfortable alternative to spending your final months in the impersonal environment of a hospital. Palliative m
Ten Signs Death is NearWhat to expect and how to respond to the natural dying process
No one can predict the moment of death. But physicians and nurses involved in end-of-life care know that certain symptoms are usually
The Dying Process: Signs and Symptoms"The act of dying is also one of the acts of life."
- Marcus Aurelius
As your loved one is in the process of dying and it seems that there is so little anyone can do to help, the following pages m
The Last Stages of LifeThe last stages of life can be very stressful for the dying person and those caring for him/her. You will observe changes that may be upsetting and unfamiliar. Learning about the dying process will he