Alzheimer's Society (U.K.)
Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia and those who care for them.

There are 700,000 people with dementia in the UK with numbers set to rise to one million by 2025.
Alzheimer's Society is a membership organisation, which works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Many of our 25,000 members have personal experience of dementia, as carers, health professionals or people with dementia themselves, and their experiences help to inform our work.

The Society's fight for a better world for people with all types of dementia takes a wide range of forms. Through our branches, we touch the lives of over 30,000 people every week, providing practical services and support for people with dementia and their carers. Every year, more than a million people make use of the information we provide.

Through campaigning and lobbying we strive to influence government policies and raise awareness of the challenges faced by people with dementia and the people who care for them. And through our research programme we work to improve the knowledge we have about dementia and its treatment - and pursuing the ultimate goal of finding a cure.

Local support

In over 250 locations across the UK, Alzheimer's Society staff and volunteers work together to provide help and information to people affected by dementia in their communities. Our branch services include day care and home care for people with dementia, as well as support and befriending services to help partners and families cope with the demands of caring. From Alzheimer's Café's and innovative 'singing for the brain' sessions to memory-book projects and group outings, our branches provide both practical support and an essential point of human contact.

Telephone and online services

The Society provides reliable and up to date information to help you with every aspect of living with dementia: from understanding diagnosis and assessment to dealing with the financial challenges you may encounter. Our range of over a hundred factsheets and other publications on dementia provide the answers to many of the common questions we have been asked over the years.

Alzheimer's Society national dementia helpline: 0300 222 11 22
Monday-Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
Saturday-Sunday 10.00am-4.00pm

The advisers on Alzheimer's Society national dementia helpline can ensure you receive all the information you need. You can also access a wide range of information through this website, and learn from the experiences of other carers or people with dementia through our online support network, Talking Point.

Alzheimer's Society members receive a monthly magazine, Living with dementia, which provides information about all the latest news and developments in the field of dementia.


Every year we invest around £1.5 million in our Quality Research in Dementia Programme (QRD). This money funds important research that will help us to improve the quality of life for people with dementia, by tackling questions related to the causes of dementia, investigating good practice in care and treatment, and pursuing a cure.

One distinctive feature of our ground-breaking QRD programme is the integral involvement of people with early-stage dementia and carers. As members of our Consumer Network, volunteers with direct experience of living with dementia inform our research priorities.
Training and development services

The Society is committed to ensuring that people with dementia receive the best possible quality of care and support. We provide training for health and care professionals and publish a wide range of training materials and books.

Campaigning and raising awareness

The Society demands a better future for everyone affected by all forms of dementia. With the help of our members and supporters, we campaign for the rights of people with dementia and those who care for them through a combination of detailed policy analysis, lobbying, influencing and direct action.