Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes):
– It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income; and
– It provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
Links on this page:
>> Am I eligible for SSI benefits?
This link will take you to the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool. By taking 5 to 10 minutes to answer a few questions, you can find out if you are eligible for SSI or other benefits. (See also more detailed information on SSI Eligibility Requirements.)
>> How may I apply for SSI benefits?
Take this link to a summary about the SSI Application Process and Applicant Rights.
>> Help for Beneficiaries Who Return to Work
If you already get benefits and are thinking about returning to work, please check out this link to a summary about SSI Work Incentives.
>> General Information
When you use the link to General Information, you will come to our list of published pamphlets and fact sheets about SSI. Some of these publications are in different formats. Some are also available in both English and Spanish languages.
>> Understanding SSI
The Understanding SSI booklet provides comprehensive general information about SSI eligibility requirements and processes. Written especially for SSI advocates, but also useful for the general public, it addresses a broad range of topics, from applying for benefits to reporting events that may change the payment of benefits. Please check out its "Table of Contents" for a list of these topics.
We provide a Spanish language version (1.07 MB pdf) blank spaceObtenga el Acróbata Accesible de Adobe as well.
>> SSI Spotlights
SSI Spotlights are a series of 27 fact sheets about a variety of SSI topics, e.g., living arrangements, and are designed to supplement the guidelines in Understanding SSI (see above). You may link directly to each of the spotlights, or you may link to them from the text of the guidelines.
In addition, Spanish versions of the spotlights are available at Puntos Importantes de Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI).
>> Social Security Handbook
This is a link to Chapter 21 of the Social Security Handbook which contains material about SSI organized in question and answer format so that you can find the information you need quickly and easily.
>> SSI Law and Regulations
Go to our page on SSI Law and Regulations to find out which parts of the Social Security Act and the Code of Federal Regulations for the Social Security Administration are used to administer the SSI program.
>> Resources for Advocates and the General Public
Check the links on our SSI Resources page for information on how to find the nearest Social Security office, how to obtain a proof of income letter, etc.